Postcolonial City Tour
Postcolonial City Tour

Join us for our next public post-colonial city tour! This time in English!

July 4, 6-8 pm

Meet-up at Café Nees

Sign up via Instagram or our website (

Ever wanted to go on a post-colonial city tour? Are you from Bonn and didn’t know that Lothar von Trotha is buried in Poppelsdorf cemetery? Wondering what the Botanical Garden has to do with colonialism?

Then come to our public post-colonial city tour on July 4th. Starting at 6pm, we will go on a colonial quest through Bonn – and get a glimpse of how the cityscape and life in Bonn are interwoven with colonialism. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and discuss why we know so little about it and how we deal with it today.

vor 3 Monaten
Cafe Nees am Botanischen Garten
Meckenheimer Allee 169